Thursday, 27 September 2018

an illuminated beak

I have been preparing myself for a beginning drawing class I will teach in the Fall. I read several books on the subject, watched you tube videos and experimented with some of the suggested methods, and however ashamed I am to admit, copied some works by Leonardo today! (With my favorite ball pen  of course.) I loved it. I am afraid I'll want to do more of it. There is a very big and heavy 700 page non circulating book with his work at the library.
Anyhow something funny I came across:

This is a cucumber. Never seen one like it before.

Here is the above mentioned. Of course I messed up the proportions. Made the lion bigger and what not, but over all was fully immersed in looking and discovering more. There didn't seem to be any useless lines in his drawing.

Photographing food means that I saw it. : o

Saved the worst for last. This is a sketch of me. I realized that everything I think I can't do, or am not good at is always very big and right in front of me. My every flaw or deficiency is always in my awareness. And the tings I may know or can do are SO tiny, hidden or absent . They are the minuscule letters to my sides/behind me. 

Well, an illuminated beak. No explanation. 

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

a tiny bit of hope

Today for a first time in a while I was happy with my sketches. How did things change? By having practiced for the last 2 days.

Saturday, 22 September 2018


 I threw the Henrieta puzzle away. It had a missing piece.

 The source of the bad smell was discovered this week. Hiding in the corner.

I love Sipcho. He is such a character! The most energetic creature I have ever lived with.

 I am so out of shape  :  ( discouraged and directionless, but at least today I started practicing. The two drawings on the left I did with my left hand to bypass the criticism I've had to endure otherwise.

Feeling so on my own with this : (

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

to some sun, but nothing

I have had urges to write here, to express emotions, but I never sat to draw them. (I knew drawings won't lie, and the mind using words is so cunning.)

I am trying to be rational these days and only do what I should.
I don't know when my mind will allow some dreaming/drawing, letter writing.

It is a bit sad that romantic movement and beauty isn't given a part in the show. Poor thing will have to wait in the dark.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Who knows why I am sharing these photos

Yesterday I found a blue and orange hair bands on the car floor. I loved how they looked in the surrounding colors and took a picture. As it often happens, the camera didn't see what I saw, but there was some resemblance.

Behind the baby dolphin carcass there are four black dots. Later from a distance, we watched the vultures approach it slowly.

Don't know what these guys are called, but loved their shape. They dig themselves in the sand to hide.

Finally, suddenly started working on the 8 pieces. Had so much fun, I love color. Had technical difficulties though,  but a good helper in the afternoon.

So excited I get to see what happens in these pictures tomorrow. A bit worried about messing up too, loosing the good parts. 

Thursday, 6 September 2018


I got to doodle today. I love it. However silly the outcome I am posting 3 pieces to celebrate the process of free drawing.

 I shared part of this image already,  but  that's the whole photo.

I hope you like golden light and rivers.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

I wish this wasn't for the shadow of you

Maybe among all the doing of necessary things, I can find some time to play with water colors.

Acting impulsively again? There are 8 canvases waiting to be turned into agreeable decoration, but I started playing with my colors. Out of hunger.
Best to you.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Discarding clay pieces

Some pieces made by the kids worth photographing, I thought, before we throw them away.

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Everything or Nothing

or not
I can't sleep.
Because of jet lag.
New beginnings? The mind likes to think. I used to share such intimate experiences . But the mind said this was weird, useless, bad. Unacceptable. But then, writing  not intimately seems pointless to some other part of me. A much larger, way more powerful. This is to explain the name of the post.
I was in my home country for two and a half months. I didn't write from there. (Just a couple of times. ) It is a different life. A different world. Now that I am back in the civilized world I may resume writing. Even after the jet lag's gone. If not to pour my heart out, at least to track my attempts to make boring art. I am quite good at making boring....well it's not even art, drawings. Anyway.
If you allow me to show one thing only, it would be the PAINTED chest! I really liked it. I hope you do too. At least a bit.

Because what else makes us want to share?