Tuesday 12 March 2019

Disappearing text and sketches

Hi nobody!
I was going to delete this photo from my phone,  but it suddenly seemed very beautiful.  What an interesting story eh?
The one written here I mean.
Very moving. Right?
This is text.
Gone. :  )

These sketches are from today Thursday. Adding them to a Tuesday post. Some were drawn with a red marker the rest with a blue.

Sunday 10 March 2019


This weekend I worked on the facial features, making other changes and refining the sketches you see below. I am hoping to complete this commission soon.  Today I was happier with my progress. I often run into the difficulty of not wanting to draw recognizable household objects.(When I have to! ) I don't mind spending endless hours refining humans, or animals, things of nature, but objects... Anyway. I photographed these out of curiosity. How different are the final illustrations going to look?

At a moment of rest I looked at that curtain and the rod. It looked so neat and simple. It would be easy to draw. When you have something right in front of you. Talking about beautiful simplicity.

Thursday 7 March 2019

last time at the supermarket

Today was the last day I got to draw at the supermarket for an hour. My drawings were coming out bad. Still I am sharing a few. Possibly because sharing the Thursday supermarket sketches became a thing.

These pictures are from yesterday afternoon. The light was beautiful. A couple of hours earlier it  snowed (big snowflakes).

This interesting shape caught my attention. Hope you like it too. (I think it is a guy with a hat.)
