Thursday 22 April 2021


Since I am sharing 25 non spectacular photos, I think a bit of an explanation might be good. The trees are blooming, there is an extremely high pollen count in the valley, and I am self quarantining indoors. The weather has been SO warm and dry, just unbelievable for April, and my allergies are very bad. Apart from that, I drew today in the freest and most enjoyable way. When what comes out does not even have to look good or any particular way. Just playing with colors and lines like a child. So once I got up, everything, everything looked beautiful. The way boxes, or fruit, were in a random composition, so that's how these pictures appeared.
I think that's it. Hugs and best wishes.


Monday 19 April 2021

sesame and peanut butter cookie

A few attempts to draw the orchid and the begonia and some succulents. Utterly chaotic drawings. Oh well.