Saturday, 17 March 2018

children and chaos

Below I'm comparing the printed Photoshop touched up version with the original drawings. I like the original ones better. 

I struggle with composing, balancing, my static and repetitive solutions, multitudes and order in general. 
I hope those difficulties could be overcome. Other times I worry if the sense of order can't be cultivated. If it is just an innate trait that you either have or don't. 
I think that because of those organizational issues I am attracted to accidental shots. They sure show much fresher compositions and unconventional viewpoints.

After making up children and moving heads for two days, I thought it would be good to draw some real children from life. I was late for the event and could record VERY little quite poorly. Still, I am glad I went.

Is taking photos of flowers very difficult or is it just me? This is my favorite kind of daffodil. Plants often look like such a chaotic mass, where no two flowers look the same. (Different positions in space) Unlike how we tend to represent them. Stamp, stamp. Like a floral fabric pattern. 

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